Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:52 PM
Subject: pigeons de pologne
Pour que l'on sauve aussi ces pauvres pigéons qui meurent enfermés dans leur cage...
Lettre modèle jointe en bas de page
----- Original Message -----
Pigeons sit in cages among the twisted wreckage on Saturday.
Faire un copier-coller aux 2 adresses suivantes, pour les pigeons de Pologne qu'on laisse mourir sous les décombres et dans le froid suite à la catastrophe de Katowice.;;
Dear Sir
We deeply regret the losses of human lifes caused by the accident in the International Exhibition Hall in Katowice, Poland.
We also congratulate the rescuers who did all they could in the bitter cold to save as many human lifes as possible.
But, as we are concerned by the welfare of all living beings, humans and animals, we can also not forget the pigeons who were trapped into this situation and who are probably freezing to death or dying slowly for starvation, as they are prisonners in their cages.
That is why we urge the Polish authorities and the rescuers in Katowice not to exclude the animal victims and to try to save as many racing pigeons of this horrible situation.
We thank you to consider our request with the necessary attention.