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 Agir pour les chiens en chine IMPORTANT URGENT LETTRE ET ADR

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lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

Agir pour les chiens en chine IMPORTANT URGENT LETTRE ET ADR Empty
MessageSujet: Agir pour les chiens en chine IMPORTANT URGENT LETTRE ET ADR   Agir pour les chiens en chine IMPORTANT URGENT LETTRE ET ADR EmptyVen 4 Aoû - 21:35

O.K voici tout les adresses que j'ai trouvé avec mon amie Natura et une lettre en anglais contre les massacres des chiens en chine,il faut que l'on agisse tous ensembles si on veux que cela fonctionne merci encore à vous p.s n'oublier pas ils y encore 500 000 chiens qui vont subir les mêmes massacres dans les jours qui vont venir,Leurs avenir est entre vos mains Merci.

Dear Sirs,

Like millions of others around the world, I am shocked and outraged that
officials in the county of Mouding brutally massacred more than 54,000
dogs over a five day period last week in an attempt to stem the spread
of rabies to humans.

These killings were carried out in almost unimaginably horrific ways.
Public Security Bureau task force officers stopped guardians who were
walking their dogs in cities and beat the animals to death with clubs
while their guardians looked on helpless. Sometimes, officers poisoned
the dogs, or killed them by hanging or electrocution. Under cover of
night, the officers raided the rural countryside, provoking dogs to bark
so they could find and bludgeon their canine victims to death. By
Sunday, July 30th, over 90% of the county's dogs were murdered on the
County Government's orders.

Public health authorities pronounced the massacre necessary to safeguard
the county's human population, dismissing vaccination plans as
inadequate. However, even if it had been the case that killing dogs was
the only way to protect people from rabies, the animals should have been
humanely euthanized, not beaten to a bloody pulp. The exceptionally
malicious and cruel attacks Public Security Bureau officers perpetrated
against China's dogs and their helpless guardians would be inexcusable
under any circumstances.

I am gravely concerned that other counties will follow Mouding's bad
example by committing atrocities in the name of public health. Please do
all in your power to ensure that no other county governments instigate
such cruel dog culls. Also please urge the central government to
initiate effective preventive measures against the spread of rabies
based on vaccination programs and public education.

tout les animaux de la terre demandent votre aide,aimer,protéger ces êtres qui veulent vivrent
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