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 pétition pour aider cette femme pour avoir sauvé un chien

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lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

pétition pour aider cette femme pour avoir sauvé un chien Empty
MessageSujet: pétition pour aider cette femme pour avoir sauvé un chien   pétition pour aider cette femme pour avoir sauvé un chien EmptySam 14 Oct - 5:10

Une femme décide de sauver de la mort un chien à l'attache et est jetée
en prison lorsqu'elle refuse de rendre le chien à ses propriétaires.
Merci de signer la pétition pour que cette personne sorte de prison ET
que le chien ne soit pas rendu à ses anciens propriétaires.
Merci de transmettre à vos contacts

Deux vidéos :
Doogie laying on the ground, neighbor crying in background:
Doogie after vet at Grimes house:



Please sign this petition to get Tammy released and NOT to let them
return Doogie to his abusive owners!

A neighbor had been watching poor Doogie dying on his chain each day and
finally couldn't stand it anymore. She had been calling the Central PA
Humane Society to no avail, so she desperately contacted Dogs Deserve.
Representative Tammy Grimes accompanied the neighbor to examine the
physical condition of the dog, who was shivering on the cold ground,
unable to get up. The dogs owners were not home and the humane officials
could not be reached. In an act of desperation for this dying dog, Tammy
decided to remove Doogie from his horrible situation and take him to a vet.

The vet documented his general negligent condition, low weight, sores,
missing fur, and took xrays of his back and hips. He determined that he
has very bad back spurs that are causing him a lot of pain and are most
likely responsible for his inability to walk. He also saw an
undetermined mass near his hip on the xray. He gave him a shot for pain
plus some B vitamins for energy, so that perhaps he could have even one
good day or a few good hours. He wrote a letter stating his condition in
case Tammy needed it as proof.

Shortly after Tammy got Doogie to her home, situated, bathed (had to,
the stench was too bad), and fed and watered an Officer Flag called from
the Freedom Township Police Department. He wanted Tammy to return
Doogie, which she refused to do. Tammy was subsequently arrested and is
currently in jail.

Please sign this petition to get Tammy released and NOT to let them
return Doogie to his abusive owners!

Here are videos of Doogie:

Doogie laying on the ground, neighbor crying in background:

Doogie after vet at Grimes house:
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