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 protestation chiens et chats errants en Serbie

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lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

protestation chiens et chats errants en Serbie Empty
MessageSujet: protestation chiens et chats errants en Serbie   protestation chiens et chats errants en Serbie EmptySam 28 Oct - 0:57

Lettre de protestation au sujet de la cruauté contre les chiens et chats errants en Serbie

Merci d'envoyer la lettre en gras (plus bas) aux adresses suivantes:

Cc: ;
arka@eunet.yu protest letter-stop inhumane cruelty against stray dogs and cats

To whom it may concern,

Everyday hundreds of news from around the World gather on people's TV screens, mailboxes or Internet servers. So many of them shock us and even disgust us and we start to put on a protection suit in order not to get mad over what the human species does to each other, its co-living creatures and the earth.

But now and then, many feel the urge to step up, to do something and to protest. They choose different fields of action and ways to present their opinion and to help.

In many case, people tend to help those who cannot speak for themselves, children, disabled persons or animals.

The latter are those that concern me now very much. The world wide web displays the cruelty that especially stray dogs in Serbia have to suffer. This is in no way acceptable. Those killing orgies that happen dispite of very good and praiseworthy laws in your country are nothing a civilized country should allow to happen. YOU as the authorities are asked to show the World that you care about the weakest links in society which includes animals.

I am very much aware of the fact that your country currently tries to settle after a time of rough political rides and economic distress. Along with the regaining of those powers should also grow the social conscience again. The way a society deals with those who are most in need, mirrors its greatness.

You can believe me that it also makes a difference to the rest of the World that looks at you, how you handle animal rights. Even if many of you think that there are major problems that need to be solved first and that animals rights are neglectable, please try to remeber that especially dogs have been in a relationship with man for hundrethousand of years. You cannot deny that. Therefore, we cannot just kill them as we like with the uttermost cruelty that man is able to. But this happens in your country. The news about the killing actions of stray dogs are known to a wide audience abroad. Other countries experienced those problems with stray dogs as well, such as Romania or Bulgaria. But thanks to many organizations like four paws ( local authorities could be convinced that castration and vaccination programs only can help to reduce the number of stray dogs and cats and also the number of diseases. Everything else, especially the brutal killing, is not meaningful on long terms and does not lead to a satisfactory solution. The castration programmes ground on a scientific basis and are therefore in their effect not arguable. Four paws and other organizations can help with the logistic problems a change in the handling of the stray problem may cause. It should be worth for you to invest in a better and humane solution in this question.

I hereby wish to state the anguish I feel over the wya you let stray dogs be killed (you cannot call this euthanasia). Please, don't delete this email at once. There will be others coming in and all will ask you to help and to make a difference. It is up to you how you want to present your country in the World. I hopefully will be able to say soon that Serbia cares about its reputation and about animal rights. Don't exclude yourself from Europe, there is so much good in exchange of opinions and culture, take also the step towards a humane treatment of animals. It is worth ist. Believe me.

Thank you for reading my letter and I would be pleased to hear from you.

Yours sincereley,
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