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 Bangalore et environ chiens empoisonnés et brûlés,ils meurt

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lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

Bangalore et environ chiens empoisonnés et brûlés,ils meurt Empty
MessageSujet: Bangalore et environ chiens empoisonnés et brûlés,ils meurt   Bangalore et environ chiens empoisonnés et brûlés,ils meurt EmptyVen 30 Mar - 21:07

à Bangalore et environs les chiens sont empoisonnés et brûles quand ils
sont encore vivants. Ceci depuis le 4 mars.
Demande d'en finir immédiatement et de castrer et stériliser les chiens et
de chercher des lieux où on peut les recueillir et les soigner.En bas se
trouvent des liens avec des vidéos et photos horribles.
Envoyez la lettre le plus souvent possible. Ils doivent être submergés!
Je ne sais pas s'il faut le faire avec les médias qui se trouvent en CC ou
bien seulement aux médias de 'lInde..
BBC est le seul a ne pas faire partie de l'Inde. Le reste bien.

À envoyer à:;;
Copie à : ,;;;;;;
Objet: Burning and poisoning of living beings

To the Government of India,
To the Administration.

Dear Excellency,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mahatma Ghandi is until this time for a lot of people in the world an ideal
of a person in India, living for non-violent dealing and for freedom.

Now we must hear that in this country India, where Mahatma Ghandi lived and
worked, where he fought against violence, animals in Bangladore ans
surounding towns in southern Karnata, dogs are poisoned and burned still
What kind of cruelty in a country of Mahatma Ghandi is going on there?
The peaceful people from India- what are they doing?

When we heard this news a world in us, the image of India was totally broken
in our minds. Our sympathy for your country is finished suddenly.

We please you in the interest of your country, in the interest of all
peaceful people to stop this violence now! Animals, dogs are living beings,
they have souls and emotions. Your religion of Hinduism is a leading
religion and a example for the respect of all living beings!

We can imagine, that to solve the problems with dogs in the street isn't
easy. But we believe to your intelligence to solve this problem without
murdering life!

If you don't know to manage this problems of the dogs:
Please ask for substitution! Castrating dogs, to put them outside in a
special good place would be a solution.
BUT: This murdering, this poisoning, burning life with fire, burning the
souls of life, life perhaps of a earlier life... These cruelties are to stop
at once! You are burning the lives and souls....

Here are the proofs going around the world in internet:,21598,21461869-5005361,00.html

What is with this country India, with its religion, with the country of
Mahatma Gandhi?
We are totally disconcerted. ..


Vos coordonnées

'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way
its animals are treated' - M.K. Ghandi
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Bangalore et environ chiens empoisonnés et brûlés,ils meurt
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