Même si la chasse aux ours est illégale en Inde et le Pakistan il y a 1600
ours qui sont usés pour danser.
Les ours n'ont même pas 1 an quand ils sont capturés. On enfonce des
aiguilles qui sont rouges brûlantes à travers leur museau et puis on y passe
des grosses cordes. Les ours souffrent énormément. On enlève les dents et
puis ils doivent danser pendant 12 heures par jour. Ils sont punis
sévèrement s'ils ne le font pas bien.
Beaucoup d'ours meurent avant l'entraînement par le stress, le transport, la
Un ours peut vivre 30 ans, ici il atteint à peine l'âge de 8.
Demande de renforcer les lois et d'interdire les dans d'ours
Lettre à envoyer à: envisect@nic.in, minister@moenv.gov.pk
Objet: Dancing bears
To :
Minister Shri A. Raja
Honorable Union Minister of Environment & Forests Government of India,
Ministry of Environment & Forests Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110 003
To :
Minister Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat
Honorable Minister of Environment
Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Environment
CDA Block No. IV, Civic Centre, G-6, Melody,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Dear Minister Shri A Raja, dear Minister Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat,
Even though it is illegal to capture bears in both India and Pakistan, there
still more than 1,600 sloth bears being forced to dance for money by
Bear cubs who are barely 1 year old squeal in agony as red-hot needles are
jabbed through their noses and thick ropes are forced through the throbbing
When the ropes are tugged, the bears lift their legs and "dance". Most of
teeth are pulled out, and they are forced to perform for up to 12 hours a
Bears are 'trained' to dance through a regime of pain and starvation.
Many cubs die before the training begins because of the stress of capture,
the terrible
transportation conditions, starvation, dehydration, and rough handling.
Although they live up to 30 years in the wild, "dancing" bears rarely live
more than eight
years in captivity.
So I urge you to enforce laws that prevent bear baiting and prosecute
Thank you for your time and attention,
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