Cela va très mal dans les 45 zoos d'Ontario. Des loups, des ours noirs, des castors, des kangourous, singes etc se trouvent dans des petites cages sales et nues.
Beaucoup de ces zoos se trouvent au bord des chemin pour attirer les
touristes. Qu'il y ait tant de zoo's et que cela aille si mal c'est parce
que la loi n'est pas adéquate.
Les animaux ne sont pas bien soignés (nourriture, vétérinaire).
En plus beaucoup de visiteurs sont mordus par les singes et certains
meurent. Les gens sont infectés avec le virus Herpes B (provenant du singe).
Demande d'adapter le règlement et de les faire suivre.
Lettre au lieu d'une pétition
Envoyer à: info@respectforanimals.com; Mckenzie.Michele@ctc-cct.ca; Minister.Industry@ic.gc.ca; harrower.ian@ctc-cct.ca; Min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca; wshdc-outpack@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; pm@pm.gc.ca; srm.minister@gems6.gov.bc.ca; Mckenzie.Michele@ctc-cct.ca; Minister.Industry@ic.gc.ca; harrower.ian@ctc-cct.ca; senator.aanestad@sen.ca.gov;
Senator.Brulte@sen.ca.gov; Senator.Cedillo@sen.ca.gov;
Senator.Machado@sen.ca.gov; Senator.Murray@sen.ca.gov;
Senator.Vincent@sen.ca.gov; figueroa@sen.ca.gov
Copie à: bru@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; hague@dfait-maeci.gc.ca;
bdgtn@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; bclna@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; paris@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; bnato@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; poecd@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; perm@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; Keddy.G@Parl.gc.ca; wshdc-prmoas@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; genev-gvwto@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; pesco@dfait-maeci.gc.ca;
prmny@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; bcm@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; tourisminfo@gov.nl.ca;
Thibault.R@Parl.gc.ca; Hearn.L@Parl.gc.ca; ctx_feedback@ctc-cct.ca;
efford.j@Parl.gc.ca; Martin.P@Parl.gc.ca; bru.commerce@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; W.Truss.mp@aph.gov.au
Objet: Zoos have on Ontario's tourism industry.
Dear Premier McGuinty and Minister Bradley,
As a visitor to your province, I am asking you to consider the negative
impact roadside zoos have on Ontario’s tourism industry. Allowing wolves,
black bears and beavers to be stuffed in barren, filthy cages for public
display is no way to celebrate and promote Ontario’s native wildlife. I am
saddened by the images I have seen of Ontario roadside zoos and appalled
that this is the way you treat wildlife in your province.
Ontario stands out as the worst jurisdiction in Canada when it comes to
ensuring the proper care of captive wildlife. With few regulations in place,
the province makes it far too easy for residents to collect wild animals and
house them in small, barren cages. Ontario has more than 45 zoos (more than
any other province) and the majority are roadside zoos. These substandard
facilities typically lack trained professional staff and the financial
resources necessary to ensure proper care and housing for every animal.
Deprived of opportunities to behave naturally, animals at roadside zoos
often show symptoms of psychological disturbance, boredom and frustration.
Though a permit is needed to keep some native wildlife in captivity, there
are very few conditions to abide by. Surprisingly, no permit at all is
required to keep exotic wildlife such as tigers and monkeys in captivity
though 2/3 of the animals kept in Ontario zoos are not native to the
As well, there are no regulations to address the numerous health and public
safety risks inherent in these facilities, despite several reports of zoo
visitors being bitten and clawed and animals escaping from their cages. A
number of people have been injured and a few even killed in Ontario by
captive wildlife and zoo escapes are all too frequent.
Roadside zoos are tourist traps and a negative experience for visitors and
animals. All zoos should be forced to meet professional standards of animal
welfare and public safety. Most other provinces have zoo regulations that
cover both native and exotic species and stipulate specific safety
requirements for all dangerous animal exhibits. Its high time Ontario
followed suit.
I hope you will support MPP David Zimmer’s Zoo Bill.
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