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 Protester pour les ours

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Nombre de messages : 18670
Age : 48
Localisation : Bassin d'Arcachon
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2005

Protester pour les ours Empty
MessageSujet: Protester pour les ours   Protester pour les ours EmptyMer 22 Mar - 0:36

Protestation pour les ours

Desole, c'est en Anglais ! Le gouvernement slovene
Veut reduire la population d'ours bruns, et detruire
100 individus. Il y a une lettre en bas a leur
Envoyer, mais vous pouvez aussi rediger la votre…

Au fait, rien a voir, mais pour ceux qui habitent les
La region Alpes/ Rhone Alpes, les associations
Veg'Asso et Veg'Anim tiendront Samedi un stand avec
Tracts et petitions dans le centre de Grenoble, dans
Le cadre de la Journee Sans Viande. (voir pour details).



The Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Of Slovenia, Mr. Janez
Podobnik, has issued a decree by which approximately
100 brown bears should be killed in 2006.

The Minister argues that there are too many bears in
Slovenia and that the size of population of the animal
Has to be balanced with the environment.

In Slovenia, the brown bear is an endangered species,
Protected by the Endangered Species Act. The
Minister's decision to decree the culling of the bear
Population - arguing overpopulation, No less - is
Therefore incomprehensible. How can there be >too
Many< bears if they are endangered and accordingly
Protected by a number of legal acts, in Slovenia
Itself as well as internationally?

Besides, nature can be trusted to take care of
Overpopulation and ensure natural balance by itself -
It is not necessary for man to do so. In many areas
Where hunting is outlawed (e.g. Natural parks and
Reserves) there are No occurrences of natural
Imbalance. Human interfering with natural
Processes will only bring about even greater

Even though the Minister of the Environment and
Spatial Planning is bound by the Constitution of the
Republic of Slovenia to ensure the preservation of the
Environment and natural habitats, he has decreed the
Killing of No less than 100 inhabitants of this
Country - for they are living beings and a part of our
Natural wealth.
Is the killing of bears consistent with preserving
This natural wealth – or is it about destroying it?

Even though any incitement to violence is
Unconstitutional, the Minister of the Environment
Himself has decreed the killing of living creatures,
Which will inflict immeasurable violence upon nature.
And even though torture of animals is expressly
Forbidden by the Slovene constitution, the animals to
Be killed will be victims of immense suffering.

Furthermore, Slovenia already has a strategy of brown
Bear population management. It was adopted by the
Government and it provides for many non-violent means
Which could be used in this case, without having to
Resort to killing. In light of this Strategy, the
Minister's decision to order the killing of bears,
Instead of managing their population by other means
Available, is even more incomprehensible and

We ask you to join us in our protest against the
Imminent killing of bears.

The Society for the Rights and the Liberation of
Stanko Valpatiè, President

Address your protest to:

Janez Podobnik
Minister za okolje in prostor
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Dunajska c. 48, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Janez Jan¹a
Predsednik vlade Republike Slovenije
Gregorèièeva 20, 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Dr. Janez Drnov¹ek
Predsednik Republike Slovenije
Erjavèeva 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Below is a sample protest letter.
Feel free to edit it.


Your Excellency,

I, the undersigned, protest against the killing of 100
Brown bears in Slovenia, planned to take place in

There is No rhyme or reason in causing suffering to
Innocent living creatures and in violence towards

If it is true, as alleged, that there are too many
Bears in Slovenia, that is No reason for resorting to
Killing, as there are other, non-violent means of
Resolving the situation. Slovenia has provided for
Such means, witness its Strategy of brown bear
Population management. Furthermore, nature can be
Trusted to ensure natural balance on its own; there is
No reason for man to interfere, as attested by
Numerous natural reserves where there is No hunting
And also No imbalance. Human interfering with natural
Processes can bring about ever greater imbalance - and
Ever greater damage to all of us.

Your Excellency, I appeal to you to do everything in
Your power to prevent the planned killing of bears -
The killing of innocent living beings that have the
Same right to life as humans.

Thank you for your kind attention.


(Your name and address)
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