Lettre type contre les empoisonnements JE TRANSMETS
Les défenseurs des animaux à Cairo nous demandent de protester auprès des autorités contre l'empoisonnement des chiens de la rue, qui continue et qui s'intensifier. SVP, prenez un moment pour soutenir ces braves gens en signant la lettre et en l'envoyant aux adresses indiquées. Merci d'avance
A envoyer à :
drfadia@hotmail.com; Mot@idsc.gov.eg; mseaoffice@eeaa.gov.eg; asherbiny@infinity.com.eg
Avec copie à :
info@egyptnyc.net; info@egyptianconsulate.co.uk; embegypt@indigo.ie; embassy.egypt@skynet.be; ambegnl@wanadoo.nl; Embassy@egyptian-embassy.de; ConsularSection@Egyptian-Embassy.de; embassy@egyptembdc.org; egyptemb@sympatico.ca; cetech@cetech.ca; ambassadedegypteaparis@hotmail.com; egyptembassyvienna@egyptembassyvienna.at; educult.eg@utanet.at; Counsellor@egypt-embassy.no; commercial@egypt-embassy.no; ambegyptvatican@tiscali.it; consgeneg@primus.com.au; mona@sparealife.org; weeklymail@ahram.org.eg; hebdo@ahram.org.eg; anis@ahram.org.eg; editor@egypttoday.com; spare@menanet.net
Dear Sirs:
I understand that that Egyptian veterinary authorities in Cairo have announced a poison campaign against cats and dogs despite the fact that the animals organizations have a spaying/neutering project done and still going on and despite the fact that those organizations proposed several times cooperation with the vet authorities and police to tackle the problem of strays in Egypt. I urge you to take immediate action to permanently halt this cruel and unnecessary campaign against innocent dogs and cats.
A five year neutering project with WSPA to neuter animals in this governorate was discussed and agreed upon with the head of the veterinary department in Egypt; the project is due to start shortly. Moreover, it has been learned that they are using strychnine, a poison that is prohibited world wide because it is so harmful for people and the environment, and have made the specious claim that the animal dies in 5 minutes. Evidence shows that this is not true as the animal sometimes suffers for hours or days causing a horrible, lingering and painful death for the animal. There is no doubt that many innocent animals, people's pets, birds etc. will also be doomed to accidental poisoning as a result of this inhumane plan.
We are mindful of the issues and problems posed to a community when there are large numbers of stray animals. Nevertheless, the price paid by inncocent creatures is unacceptble in a civilized society. I urge you to to take prompt action to cease the barbaric poisoning of innocent animals and make every effort to work with the non- governmental animals organizations in Egypt that are anxious and willing to help and already have a ready plan to solve the problems.
Egypt has a reputation among touristic countries for its civilizations, such actions make us rethink visiting a country that deals with animals this way and surely affects any good reputation for Egypt
Waiting for your reply
Vos coordonnées!