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 Vous devez agir pour ces causes

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2 participants
lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

Vous devez agir pour ces causes Empty
MessageSujet: Vous devez agir pour ces causes   Vous devez agir pour ces causes EmptyLun 2 Oct - 3:08

Je transmets pour plus large diffusion et signatures.......Chris

Prière de signer en masse pour qu'une enquête soit effectuée concernant les cruelles activités de l'Université Vanderbuilt à Nashville / USA et pour mettre fin à celles-ci. Cette université pratique de la chirurgie sur les cerveaux de singes complètement conscients.

Il faut atteindre 1000 signatures jusqu'au 6 octobre et pour le moment on n'a que 525!

Subject: FW: PLS. SIGN QUICK PETITION! Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer//Truth about Nepal's lab monkeys

Subject: Fw: PLS. SIGN QUICK PETITION! Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer

Hi All, we need at least 1,000 by October 5. Please sign right away and if you have more than one email please do sign from those too. Thanks so much!) Adela
Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer

URGENT! Sign! Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer at Vanderbilt U.

- - - PLEASE SIGN - -

See summary and full petition here:

I have only 6 days until I must print out this petition and physically take it to Chancellor Gee's office at mid-day on October 6th, directly before the demo.

It would be great if we could reach 1000 signatures!

Thanks SO much!

Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer at Vanderbilt U.

Please Help Monkeys at Vanderbilt University!

When a whistleblower at Vanderbilt University contacted PETA with an internal
e-mail that indicated that brain surgeries were conducted on monkeys without
general anesthesia, PETA sprang into action. Vanderbilt has run afoul of federal
animal welfare laws in recent years; in fact, official government documents
obtained by PETA reveal that, in 2005, the university was cited for violations
of 13 different Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations. Our investigation of those
violations exposed Jeffrey D. Schall as one of Vanderbilt's most notorious
repeat offenders with regard to animal abuse, so his name was quite familiar to
us when it appeared on the informant's accompanying note implicating him in yet
another appalling violation.

Schall's federally funded experiments use approximately $1.5 million taxpayer
dollars per year and involve cutting off the tops of monkeys' skulls in order to
insert wires and posts and attach metal coils to their eyes. Schall was
suspended from animal research for one month in 2004 after he performed
unauthorized surgery on a monkey, deprived animals of fluids, and failed to
sanitize a feces-covered primate-restraint chair. That same year, Schall
threatened an animal care technician for reporting to the university
veterinarian that an animal's collar had become entangled with the bottom bars
of the cage.

Please send polite letters to Vanderbilt Chancellor Gordon Gee. Demand that
Schall be suspended immediately and ask that a thorough review of Schall's
experiments be conducted with regard to his repeated misconduct toward animals.
Please also send polite e-mails to Jeffrey Schall and ask that he stay away from
monkeys and cease his experiments immediately:

Chancellor Gordon Gee
211 Kirkland Hall
Nashville, TN 37240
615-322-6060 (fax)

Jeffrey Schall
004 Wilson Hall
111 21st Ave. S.
Nashville, TN 37203-0009
615-343-5027 (fax)

* To the Top/Sign Petition
* Email this petition to your friends


Truth about Nepal's lab monkeys
Himalayan Times. 14 September 2006.
Nepali primates used for US research
Razen Manandhar

The controversial testing of monkeys three years ago by US
primatologists in the capital was not what it was made out to
be. In actuality, the monkeys were used as guinea pigs for
developing AIDS vaccine, reveals the cover story of a recent
issue of the American Journal of Primatology.
More than 20 red monkeys, known as rhesus macaques, were
darted and trapped to have their blood, stool, swap and hair
tested in June 2003 at Swoyambhu temple on the pretext that
the monkeys had fallen ill mysteriously. A team of American
experts came here without the knowledge of the government and
returned with the samples, without providing any treatment to
the mammals.
Article 15.1 of the National Park and Wildlife Conservation
Act 2029 (Fourth amendment 2049) states that nobody can
collect samples from any animal for scientific research.
However, permission for the same can be sought from the
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation
(DNPWC) after paying Rs 2,000 for each red monkey and
justifying the need for the test. But, according to the
government officials, the researchers did not even notify the
authority about their 'testing'.
The synopsis of the report carried by American Journal of
Primatology in June, states: "Scientists investigating the
genetic make up of rhesus macaque monkeys, a key species used
in biomedical research, have found that rhesus in Nepal may
provide a suitable alternative to alleviate a critical
shortage of laboratory animals used in work to develop
vaccines against diseases such as HIV/AIDS."
According to the report, the study was spearheaded by Randall
Kyes, a primatologist and head of the of the University of
Washington's Division of International Programmes at the
Washington National Primate Research Centre, in collaboration
with Mukesh Chalise, president of the Nepali Biodiversity
Research Society and a zoologist at Tribhuvan University.
When contacted, Chalise said, "I don't have to answer any
queries. The chapter is closed. You may charge me of anything
but I believe that I have done a good job for mankind by
letting carry out the tests," he said.
The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation
has also refused to take responsibility of "unauthorised
testing". Shyam Bajimaya, the Chief Ecologist at the DNPWC,
said the matter did not concern the department, as no one
contacted the officials for carrying out the tests. "Even for
a noble cause, it would have been better had the researchers
chosen a legitimate way," he said.
Though the American journal report acknowledges Bajimaya as
one of the co-author of the research paper, he wonders, "I
don't know how my name figures in the report."
Similar tests used to be carried out on Indian monkeys
earlier. However, India banned export of all macaques in

"The very idea that one species could serve as a model for a different
species ignores the basic principles of biology" - British Medical Journal,
18th February 2002

Vivisection Information Network (VIN)

Has your MP signed EDM92 - calling for an inquiry into vivisection? Go to to urge them to sign.

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China brutally kills millions of cats and dogs for cheap, deceptively labeled fur....

(CHINESE DOG/CAT FUR VIDEO): Attention image choc
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Fidèle au poste

Nombre de messages : 935
Age : 39
Localisation : Gagny 93
Emploi : comptable
Loisirs : végétarisme, sorties, animaux
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2005

Vous devez agir pour ces causes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vous devez agir pour ces causes   Vous devez agir pour ces causes EmptyLun 2 Oct - 19:32

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