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 HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals

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3 participants
lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals Empty
MessageSujet: HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals   HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals EmptyVen 27 Oct - 5:10

HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals
HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals
Irix Pharma have dealt with Huntingdon Life Sciences in the last 6 weeks. Please email them and ask how can they work with the most exposed laboratory in the world? How can they work with a lab that has been consistently exposed from 1989 - 2006? A lab that workers were filmed punching beagle pups in the face and a lab where ex-workers reported animals being shaken and slapped in 2005.

Irix are a relatively small private US company who may well not know of Huntingdon's disgusting history so please take the time to email them and explain exactly who they are dealing with

Thanks and Good Luck

Sample Letter

Dear Sir/Madam
Huntingdon Life Sciences are the most exposed laboratory in the world. Evidence of unbelievable animal cruelty has been documented inside HLS now 6 separate times, for the latest expose see here

Workers inside HLS were filmed punching beagle puppies in the face, shaking them and terrifying them. These pups were so frightened that they frequently wet themselves in fear. In another expose HLS workers were filmed cutting open primates from the neck to the groin whilst they were still conscious.

I urge Irix Pharma to stop dealing with a lab
involved in such horrific animal cruelty.
Yours sincerely,

Senior Management
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operating Officer

List of All Emails for IRIX Pharmaceuticals

Locations (USA Only)

IRIX Pharmaceuticals
101 Technology Place
Florence, SC 29501
Tel: 843-676-9007
Fax: 843-673-0052

IRIX Pharmaceuticals
309 Delaware Street
(Donaldson Center)
Greenville, SC 29605
Tel: 864-299-0183
Fax: 864-422-9789

All details in this action alert are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used for any illegal activities as defined by the jurisdiction you live in. SHAC are not involved in, and do not encourage, any form of harassment or illegal action. Nothing in this action alert has the purpose of inciting such behaviour. Please keep all communications polite.

For general information on the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences please visit the website, or alternatively call Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty on (UK) 0845 458 0630.

Please feel free to forward on this action alert.
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Adore papoter
Adore papoter

Nombre de messages : 741
Age : 62
Localisation : Auvergne
Emploi : Secrétaire bureautique
Loisirs : Recherches sur Internet, randonnée pédestre, lecture, musique...
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals   HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals EmptyVen 27 Oct - 10:41

Message bien envoyé à 8 personnes de IRIX Pharma.
(échec pour

Traduction du message (approximative) :

Huntingdon sont le laboratoire le plus exposé au monde. L'évidence de la cruauté animale incroyable a été HLS intérieur documenté maintenant 6 fois séparées, parce que la dernière exposition voient ici
Les ouvriers à l'intérieur de HLS étaient les chiots de poinçon filmés de briquet dans le visage, les secouant et les terrifiant. Ces chiots étaient ainsi effrayé qu'ils se sont fréquemment mouillés dans la crainte. Dans une autre exposition HLS les ouvriers étaient découpage filmé ouvrent des primats du cou à l'aine tandis qu'ils étaient encore conscients. J'invite Irix Pharma pour cesser de traiter un laboratoire impliqué dans une telle cruauté animale terrifiante. Bien à vous,"
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Pottok des Pyrénées
Pottok des Pyrénées

Nombre de messages : 5006
Age : 63
Localisation : Aisne
Emploi : Enseignante
Loisirs : Mes chiens, mes chats, les minous SDF, les animaux en général, Yoga, randonnées, broderie, lecture...
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2006

HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals   HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals EmptyVen 27 Oct - 10:45

Quels sont les médicaments qui sortent de ce labo ?
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lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals   HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals EmptyVen 27 Oct - 23:16

Minipousse a écrit:
Quels sont les médicaments qui sortent de ce labo ?
j'ai pas plus d'infos désolé
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Contenu sponsorisé

HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals   HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals Empty

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HLS Customer - IRIX Pharmaceuticals
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