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 Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 18670
Age : 48
Localisation : Bassin d'Arcachon
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2005

Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux Empty
MessageSujet: Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux   Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux EmptyDim 3 Juin - 23:09

Comme Coca Cola ne fait plus de tests sur les animaux, mettons Unilever sous pression en leur demandant de suivre l'exemple de Coca Cola. Pour cela, envoyer la lettre

Arrow À :,
Objet: Unilever and animal testing

To :
Michael B. Polk
Group VP and President, Americas
Unilever PLC
700 Sylvan Ave.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

I was very happy to read the announcement of Coca Cola :
"PepsiCo does not do any animal testing and does not directly fund testing
using animals. ...Where testing on animals is not required, PepsiCo strongly
endorses efficient and effective research that does not include the use of
animals. We will encourage our partners to use alternatives to animal
testing and share this statement with organizations we believe to be
involved in projects potentially involving animal research done on behalf of
PepsiCo or with PepsiCo or PepsiCo Foundation funding."

Coca Cola now joins Pepsi-Cola ,POM Wonderful, Ocean Spray, and Welch's in
banning animal tests along with 22 other beverage companies-including
Campbell's V8, Sunny Delight, and Old Orchard-that have pledged to PETA that
they will not fund or conduct animal tests.

Tragically, companies like yours continue to conduct and fund needless tests
on animals simply to substantiate health claims or assure product safety.

I respectfully ask Unilever to replace toxicity test with sophisticated
non-animals systems.

I won't by any of your products in the future as long as you kill animals or
help other establishments which are testing on animals.

I hope you will take my request into consideration,


Arrow Vos coordonnées!
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Adore papoter
Adore papoter

Nombre de messages : 741
Age : 62
Localisation : Auvergne
Emploi : Secrétaire bureautique
Loisirs : Recherches sur Internet, randonnée pédestre, lecture, musique...
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux   Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux EmptyJeu 7 Juin - 19:03

Lettre envoyée ! Wink
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Décide de rester
Décide de rester

Nombre de messages : 352
Age : 44
Localisation : Hayange (57)
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux   Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux EmptyJeu 7 Juin - 23:23

Envoyé !
En plus ça ne prend que 2 mn grâce au copier coller ! Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux Sourire2
Merci Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux Bisous13
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Décide de rester

Nombre de messages : 352
Age : 44
Localisation : Hayange (57)
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux   Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux EmptyJeu 14 Juin - 23:52

Voici la réponse que j'ai reçue :

Citation :

Unilever does not test finished products on animals, and we are committed to the elimination of animal testing for our business.

To ensure that you fully understand the extent of our commitment, we would like to take this opportunity to outline some of the principles to which we continue to adhere. Our first priority is to our consumers, and where required by regulators for safety reasons, we will have to carry out limited tests on some ingredients and foods to ensure our products are safe and suitable for their intended use. However, we will not use animal testing when we have available either an accepted alternative test or other information that allows us to sufficiently evaluate safety. We will continue our work for alternative methods by participating in industry and scientific programs, and we will continue to support legislation that promotes the elimination of animal testing through the development of alternative methods.

Unilever on the one hand applies the strictest internal control procedures to ensure that animal testing is only carried out when no alternatives are available, and on the other hand invests in developing and applying alternative methods and novel approaches that will actually replace animal testing in safety assessments for consumer products.

By adopting this dual approach, we reduce the number of tests to the absolute minimum and advance the elimination of animal testing

Your friends at Unilever
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Chat ronron
Chat ronron

Nombre de messages : 2565
Age : 42
Localisation : NANTES
Loisirs : Animaux, radiethesie, paranormal et magie, cuisine, webmaster, photographies, arts, musiques, dance
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux   Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux EmptyVen 15 Juin - 0:28

Fait !

Mailer Unilever pour stopper les tests sur animaux Sourire2
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Contenu sponsorisé

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