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 fourrue de chat et chien interdite en europe

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Oiseau de Paradis
Oiseau de Paradis

Nombre de messages : 7178
Age : 41
Localisation : Montpellier
Loisirs : surfin' USA
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2006

fourrue de chat et chien interdite en europe Empty
MessageSujet: fourrue de chat et chien interdite en europe   fourrue de chat et chien interdite en europe EmptyVen 6 Fév - 13:18

au fait, si vous ne saviez pas, ca date de janvier.

Citation :
News from the Press and Communication Service's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communication
Commissioner Vassiliou welcomes entry into force of
ban on imports, exports and trade in cat and dog fur
A comprehensive EU ban on imports, exports and intra-Community trade in cat and dog fur
and products containing such fur entered into force on 1 January 2009. European Health
Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou said: "I am delighted that this long awaited measure is
now in force, so that European consumers can be confident that they will no longer be at risk
of inadvertently purchasing products containing cat or dog fur. This ban reflects the profound
attachment that Europeans have to cats and dogs as companion animals only, and their total
rejection of this appalling practice." The European Commission proposed a ban on cat and
dog fur in November 2006, due to evidence that cat and dog fur was being placed on the
European market, usually undeclared or disguised as synthetic or other types of fur.
Diverging national bans on cat and dog fur threatened to disrupt the single market. The vast
majority of cat and dog fur is believed to be imported from third countries, notably China,
where the rearing of these animals for their fur is practiced. The Commission's proposal for a
regulation was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
on December 11 2007. It assures EU citizens that cat and dog fur will no longer be sold
anywhere in the EU through a harmonised approach, prohibiting all production, marketing
and imports and exports of cat and dog fur in the EU. Cat and dog fur, found occasionally on
the EU market in the past, provoked a strong response from EU consumers, who demanded
that measures be taken to prevent such fur and fur products from being sold in the EU. Tens
of thousands of Europeans sent protest letters to the Commission and handed petitions to
Members of the European Parliament.
For more information, see:
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