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 animal experiments

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lachapelle linda
Ecureuil qui grignotte
Ecureuil qui grignotte
lachapelle linda

Nombre de messages : 2449
Age : 53
Localisation : Gatineau
Emploi : agente de sécurité
Loisirs : prendre soin de mes enfants et mes animaux
Date d'inscription : 18/02/2006

animal experiments Empty
MessageSujet: animal experiments   animal experiments EmptyMer 7 Juin - 2:36

animal experiments
Je vous transmets cette lettre type....A faire circuler plus largement....... Pour protester contre l'utilisation de cochons (et autres) comme matériel d'exercice en chirurgie, vous pouvez envoyer la lettre suivante à l'universté de Rochester aux USA

University of Rochester School of Medicine
David S. Guzick, M.D., Ph.D., Dean
601 Elmwood Ave., Box 706
Rochester, NY 14642
ph: 585-275-0017

Email :

Objet : animal experiments

Dear Dean Guzick,

I am disheartened to learn the University of Rochester School of Medicine is
among a dwindling number of medical schools at which students perform
practice surgery upon live animals. I understand third-year medical students
may opt to fulfill their surgical clerkship by operating on anesthetized
pigs who are destroyed at the end of the exercise.

This lab has been described as "firsthand experience working on live
tissue." In fact, it delays knowledge pertinent to human health. While pigs
and people share similar organs, we are too diverse in terms of our biology.
We don't react to drugs or specific procedures the same way.

Moreover, student researchers cannot separate the effects of stress hormones
in animals from the process under analysis. Findings published in
Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science (Autumn 2004) reveal
animals display quantifiable stress reactions to routine laboratory
practices. These stress effects can influence the researcher's understanding
of scientific discovery.

Over 80% of U.S. medical schools have already replaced animal experiments
with human-focused teaching tools in undergraduate medical training,
including surgical instruction and other applications. I respectfully ask
the University of Rochester to join Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Johns Hopkins,
and hundreds of schools and universities that no longer use old-fashioned
animal experiments to train medical students.

Ethical unease and growing recognition of the inability to extrapolate data
from animals to humans have prompted the discovery of sophisticated
non-animal systems. Today, medical courses in physiology, pharmacology and
surgery rely upon these non-animal research tools, rather than pigs, dogs,
rodents, goats and other animals. Live pig labs not only numb students to
pain and suffering, but also dissuade them from evolving with the most
credible, cost-effective, and proficient technologies available.

I strongly encourage you to terminate the use of live pigs in surgical
courses at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. Thank you for
your valuable time and consideration.

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