Vous vous rappelez des 500 chats abandonnés sans nourriture, soins, eau en Barcelone? Ceux qui vivent là où on construira la ligne tgv entre Barcelone et Madrid. On avait promis que les chats auraient un nouvel endroit où ils
pourront vivre. Ce n'est pas vrai, car le membre du conseil qui l'avait
promis n'a rien fait pour les aider, les soigner, les castrer et les
stériliser. Il n'a pas contacté les associations animalières. Et dans 18
jours les travaux commenceront. Les chats seront tués par les machines.
Demande au membre de tenir sa promesse.
Envoyer à: frobredo@bcn.cat
Dear Council member,
More than 500 cats live on land where the construction of the high speed
train tracks between Madrid and Barcelona will begin soon.
You promised to facilitate a place for the cats to go to. You didn't even
get in touch with any of the cat protection organizations that wanted to
manage the new cat colony!
There are many litters, and nothing has been done by the Council to prevent
And you know that there are spay/neuter programs to control the population
of cats.
Now these poor cats will be torn apart under the excavation machinery.
I urge you to help the animals as promised!!!
Now that I'm knowing that the city council of Barcelona doesn't care about
his animals, I won't visit your beautiful city again as long as those cats
are not on a safe place where they have food,water and medical care.
I hope you will do everything in your power to help those cats.
Vos coordonnées!