Duke University a déclaré ne plus employer de cochons pour les cours de chirurgie.
Demande aux 5 universités de suivre cet exemple et de remplacer les animaux par des alternatifs.
Merci d'envoyer avec vos coordonnés à :
Richard.Fine@stonybrook.edu; emiller@jhmi.edu; sschwab@utmem.edu; pbd@case.edu; llaughlin@usuhs.mil
Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
I read that your school continues to use live animals in surgery courses.
Did you know that the Duke University School of Medicine recently confirmed that it has stopped using
live animals to teach surgery?.
Medical faculty and practicing physicians know that students do not need to train on live animals
to become successful physicians or surgeons.
In fact, last year the American College of Surgeons (ACS) stopped using live animals
in any of its own surgery educational and training programs.
It also established a new certification program, the Accredited Education
Institutes, which does not include live animal use in its surgery training guidelines.
In addition, the American Medical Student Association recently took a major step
toward modernizing medical education by passing a resolution strongly encouraging the
replacement of live animal laboratories with non-animal alternatives in undergraduate medical education.
Please take the wise and compassionate decision of Duke University School.
Thank you for your time and attention,
"If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals."
--Albert Einstein